
#Suvarna Prashan (Swarna Prashan)- Ayurvedic immunization for child

Suvarna Prashan (also called Swarna Prashana and Swarna Bindu Prashana) is an ayurvedic technique to enhance immunity and improve the intelligence of children. Swarna Prashana is an ancient health tonic for children. Swarna Prashana acts on the mind, brain, immune system, and skin. It promotes growth and development, maintains health, builds resistance to infections by developing non-specific immunity, and improves complexion. The purpose of Suvarna-Prashan is same as of modern vaccination to prevent diseases by building immunity against bacteria and viruses. However, Suvarna-Prashan has no specific indications like an individual vaccine, but it improves the overall immunity of children. Swarna Prashana is effective for precluding upper respiratory tract infections and preventing common cold and flu. It can also prevent other diseases later in the life. This concept has no limitation only to bacterial or viral infections. Suvarna-Prashan also benefits in a prop

#Gokshur- a wonderful herb for urinary disorder

We at  OMS NATURALS  Pvt. Ltd.  are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of  herbal extracts  and  herbal powder  from India. We supply a wide range of Indian herbs extracts and herbal powder. Botanical Name                   :    Tribulis Terrestris English/Common Name      :    Gulancha Tinospora Ayurvedic Name                 :    Gokhru/Gokshura Parts used                           :   Fruit Habitat and Botany : This herb is a trailing plant common in sandy soil throughout India at 11,000 ft. in Kashmir.  CHEMICAL COMPOSITION: The fruit contains 5% of a semidrying oil, peroxidase, traces of glycoside resin, proteins and inorganic matter1. Steroidal saponins mainly furostanol glycosides have been isolated2. Large quantities of potassium and nitrates are present too .

#Neem -A wonderful plant for skin

We at OMS Naturals manufacture quality Neem products like-Neem powder, Neem Oil, Aditi sunadri neem face pack. the multiple uses of neem are follows- Neem has antibacterial, anti-parasitic, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic properties that not only benefit your health but also can help you get rid of common beauty problems. So, read more about the uses of the neem also known as ‘ Vepai ‘ in Telugu, ‘ Veppilai ‘ in Tamil ( Aaru Veppila / Veppila ) in Malayalam, ( Bevu / Olle Bevu ) in Kannada, ‘ Nim ‘ in Hindi, ( Nim / Nimba Pata ) in Bengali, ‘ Limba ‘ in Gujarati and ‘ Kadulimb ‘ in Marathi. Benefits Of Neem For Skin neem oil Neem proves to be a miracle for people with problematic skin, thanks to its anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. Neem is a boon for people with sensitive or oily, acne-prone skin. Neem contains Vitamin C, which helps in getting rid of skin problems like blackheads, pigmentation, dullness and aging, thus leaving the

# herbal face pack- kanak sundari face pack beauty tips

Tips for Glowing Skin:  Why do we have to punish our skin by using such dangerous chemicals when there is a much natural, cheaper and safer way to have a glowing skin? Look around in your kitchen and you will find that what you use in your daily cooking and diet to keep your body healthy and nourished, is in fact useful in producing dramatic and beautiful effects on your skin too. From the humble turmeric to the more exotic avocado, these fruits, vegetables and condiments wil l ensure a long lasting, and more beautiful you, with no side effects. Turmeric is an age old ingredient that finds its place of honor in most of Grandmas recipe for a blemish free skin and is effective in getting rid of acne. Honey is also great in giving a glow to your skin. Oats and ground orange peel are great for exfoliating the skin and getting rid of dead cells and impurities. Banana Fruits are the best and cheapest way to pamper your skin. They are cheap and easily available and are a

#Calcium Sennosides- Herbal solution of health

We at OMSNATURALS . are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of herbal extracts and herbal powders from India. We supply a wide range of Indian herbs extracts and herbal powder. SENNA LEAVES Calcium Sennosides Botanical Name:  Cassia Angustifolia English/Common Name:   Indian Senna, Tinnevelly Ayurvedic Name:   Svarnapatri Parts Used:  Leaves, Pods   Principal Constituents:   Sennoside A & B, Glycoside Introduction:   Senna includes herbs, shrubs, and trees. The leaves are pinnate with opposite paired leaflets. The inflorescences are racemes at the ends of branches or emerging from the leaf axils. The flower has five sepals and five usually yellow petals. There are ten straight stamens. The stamens may be different sizes, and some are staminodes. The fruit is a legume pod containing several seeds.        

# Boswellia Serrata Extract- Herbal Painkiller

Active Ingredient : Boswellic Acids 50%, Boswellic Acids 65% & Boswellic Acids 95% Common Name : Indian Olibanum Tree, Olibanum Chemical Constituents and Components : Main chemical components are boswellic acids, essential oils, gum, tannins, beta sitosterol, lignin and terpenoids. Action : Boswellic acids: 1. It inhibits the leukotriene biosynthesis in neutrophilic granulocytes.  2. It inhibits proliferation, induce apoptosis and topoisomerases of leukoma and glioma cells and thus prevent leukemia.  3. It has ability to inhibit 5-lipoxygenase and used as an anti-inflammatory remedy.  4. It decreases the polymorphonuclear leukocyte infiltration and migration, decrease primary antibody synthesis and cause almost total inhibition of the classical complement pathway. Curing Diseases : 1. It is used in treatment of fibromyalgia, diarrhea and dysentery, stomach disorders, rheumatic disorders and lymphadenopathy. 2. It is used for cleansing the scalp, treating dandruf