#Calcium Sennosides- Herbal solution of health

We at OMSNATURALS . are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of herbal extracts and herbal powders from India. We supply a wide range of Indian herbs extracts and herbal powder.

Calcium Sennosides
Botanical Name: Cassia Angustifolia
English/Common Name: Indian Senna, Tinnevelly
Ayurvedic Name: Svarnapatri
Parts Used: Leaves, Pods 
Principal Constituents: Sennoside A & B, Glycoside
Senna includes herbs, shrubs, and trees. The leaves are pinnate with opposite paired leaflets. The inflorescences are racemes at the ends of branches or emerging from the leaf axils. The flower has five sepals and five usually yellow petals. There are ten straight stamens. The stamens may be different sizes, and some are staminodes. The fruit is a legume pod containing several seeds.


Chemical composition / key active constituents:
The pods contain sennosides A and B, sennidin – 8.8 – diglucoside, glycosides of rhein and chrysophanic acid, aloe- emodin, its dianthrone diglucoside and emodin glucoside. Occurrence of oxymethyl- anthraquinone has been reported from the fruits. Leaves contain flavanols, isorhamnetin, kaempferol, rhein, emodin, mucilage salicylic acid, volatile oil, calcium oxalate, & Sennosides A, B, C and D.

  • Senna is used in treating constipation, by stimulating intestinal peristalsis.
  • It is useful in painful hemorrhoids, as it ensures soft and easy bowel movements.
  •  Paste of Senna leaves is  applied to various skin diseases like acne, eczema etc
  • It is used as an anthelmentic since it expels intestinal worms effectively.
  • It is also used in hypertension and obesity.
  • It is useful in loss of appetite, dysentry, hepatomegaly, spleenomegaly, indigestion, malaria, jaundice, biliousness, gout, rheumatism and anaemia.
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