#Gokshur- a wonderful herb for urinary disorder

We at OMS NATURALS  Pvt. Ltd. are manufacturer, exporter and supplier of herbal extracts and herbal powder from India. We supply a wide range of Indian herbs extracts and herbal powder.

Botanical Name                   :   Tribulis Terrestris
English/Common Name      :   Gulancha Tinospora
Ayurvedic Name                 :   Gokhru/Gokshura
Parts used                           :  

Habitat and Botany :
This herb is a trailing plant common in sandy soil throughout India at 11,000 ft. in Kashmir. 

The fruit contains 5% of a semidrying oil, peroxidase, traces of glycoside resin, proteins and inorganic matter1. Steroidal saponins mainly furostanol glycosides have been isolated2. Large quantities of potassium and nitrates are present too

Gokshur Helps in  URINARY DISORDER

Gokshur  prevents urinary system. It is diuretic and help in preventing  the urine  inflammation and ease pain while urinating. The urinary tract infection (urinary tract infections), cystitis (cystitis), urinary stones (urinary calculi), calculus (kidney stones), and disorders of the urinary system ,Gokshur powder and extract is beneficial,many ayurvedic prepration also main ingredient as gokhur for urinary disorders.

Gokshur Helps in  SEXUAL DISRORDER

Gokshur  Act as  effective  APHRODISIAC, serve as increase in Libido levels, also increase the quality and quantity of semen,it stimulates the testosterone level in blood which help in better sexual life.
it helps in curing infertility and sex disorders.


Gokshur Helps in  JOINT DISORDERS - 

Gokhur  reduces inflammation and swelling  and  improves their mobility of joints

Gokshur Helps in  MUSCLES GAIN 

 taking action helps bodybuilding. It increases muscle strength and improves 


GOkshur helps in giving clean and glowing skin,it reduces edema ,also prevent wrinkles, 

for Trade inquiry-


  1. Gokshura is really a good herb for UTI. You can take this herb or uti tablets to treat this infection. Thanks for sharing other benefits of this herb.


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