#Wheat grass -wonderful herb remedy for all diseases

omsnaturals wheatgrass powder
Boosts immune system
Wheatgrass has been shown to protect and fight certain illnesses. The organic wheatgrass juices and powders are highly effective in the boosting of the immune system which allows the body to fight as well as more swiftly recover from a variety of ailments and illnesses. Wheatgrass is an excellent means of obtained beta carotene, which contains a number of B vitamins along with E, K, H, and C. It also possesses more than 90 minerals and 19 different amino acids. Wheatgrass also possesses many different enzymes, all of which promote the breaking down of fats, weight loss, and various biological functions.
Several health benefits provided by the substance is based upon the fact that wheatgrass consists of living food. Because it is anti-bacterial, the consumption of wheatgrass can detoxify both the blood and lymph cells as well as eliminate toxins and poisons from the body in an effective and efficient manner.

wheatgrass powder 
Reflecting back on the first point, chlorophyll can serve to protect against carcinogens in a more effective manner than other foods. Studies, which have been conducted on animals, have demonstrated that the consumption of wheatgrass reduces carcinogen absorption while strengthening the cells, neutralizing toxic elements, and detoxifying organs such as the liver.

Key Facts Regarding Wheatgrass

  1. 30mls of wheatgrass juice has the same nutritional value of 1 kg of green leafy vegetables.
  2. 90 minerals can be found in the wheatgrass including potassiummagnesium, sodium, and calcium.
  3. Wheatgrass contains enzymes such as cytochrome oxidase, protease, amylase, transhydrogenase, and lipase.
  4. Wheatgrass contains 19 different amino acids.
  5. The juice of wheatgrass allows the body to increase red blood cell production, thereby increasing oxygenation.
  6. Wheatgrass contains a large amount of vitamin C.
we manufacture quality bulk Wheat grass powder for trade inquiry visit 
our website-www.omsnaturals.com


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